2012 m. rugpjūčio 26 d., sekmadienis

Fairy shoes for Ted

New fairy shoes go to Ted. Colors added by customer request: Colors toe to heel; 30 WINE, 34 PLUM, 40 BLUE, 57 MOSS GREEN. With rubber soles

2012 m. rugpjūčio 20 d., pirmadienis

New batch of babies cuties

Just wanted to share  the pictures of the result of my weekend work. Soon I will post some pictures of finished cute little booties and mittens  for babies.  But this is just a half of work for now. They goes for knitting to an old ladie who still has nimble and skilful fingers and helps me to knit ankle parts of woolen shoes and wrists for mittens.
The next post will be full of wooly goodness for you all to feast your eyes on...

2012 m. rugpjūčio 10 d., penktadienis

if you love the purple...

Kažkada seniai jau rodžiau šias gėlėtasias šlepetukes, bet man jos labai gražios ir manau vertos pasidžiaugti jomis dar kartą. 
I've been posting the pictures of this model on my blog long time ago, but they are so nice and worth to be featured again
These are for Shirley, but if you want to have them too, you can order here.

New batch of grey slippers/ Nauja krūva pilkųjų

I have finished yesterday a batch of grey slippers that was felted earlier and waiting for me patiently. They all have the same type of decoration- little primitive flowers, but all are different.  I found a wonderful place for taking pictures- on grey concrete  entrance stairs :)

Vakar pabaigiau visą krūvą pilkų šlepečių, kurios buvo nuveltos jau kurį laiką ir kantriai laukė manęs. Visos dekoruotos panašiomis gėlytėmis, bet tuo pačiu yra labai skirtingos.  Jų fotografavimui radau labai tinkamą vietą ant betoninių įėjimo laiptų.

These are for Lisa:

 These two pairs are a size 37-38 (the inner length 24,5cm) and soon will be posted on my Etsy store

2012 m. rugpjūčio 2 d., ketvirtadienis